Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care
A patient can expect good health when messages from the brain can flow freely to all parts of the body. This communication is critical to the body’s natural ability to maintain itself, provided protective elements are maintained. Misalignment of the head or neck and their relationship to each other can cause interference and prevent the brain from sending its messages to any or all parts of the body. When these messages cannot flow, health problems develop.
Brain messages control, monitor and maintain everything that goes on inside your body. Misalignment or imbalances create sickness and in a lot of cases, pain. When the weight of the head is shifted off center, muscles of the neck and back compensate for the change. This causes the spine and pelvis to twist, leading to various health problems. Realignment restores health and wellness. Understanding this is crucial for preventive health care as well as crisis health care for both children and adults.
Advanced Orthogonal Technique
Upper Cervical care is a unique chiropractic practice that focuses on the proper alignment of the upper cervical spine. The Advanced Orthogonal Technique, a classification of Upper Cervical, is a painless and precise treatment that allows the body to heal itself naturally, without drugs or surgery. Tailored to each patient, this state-of-the-art procedure minimizes discomfort while maximizing the accuracy of correction.
Conditions We Help
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Want to learn more about Upper Cervical Care?
Check out the new Upper Cervical documentary below.
Dr. Jeffrey Fowler and Dr. Jill Smith are both Upper Cervical Chiropractors in Inverness, FL, a highly trained type of chiropractic expert focusing on problems in the craniocervical junction, which is the sensitive joint structure between the brain and the body.
In this 53-minute documentary, over 30 upper cervical specialists share their expertise on the reasons why the body gets sick…and how it heals. Take a deep dive into the science behind the brain’s ability to heal conditions such as seizures, migraines, dizziness, brain fog, back pain and more through advances in upper cervical chiropractic care.
Dr. Jeff Fowler and Dr. Jill Smith are both Upper Cervical Chiropractors in Inverness, FL, a highly trained type of chiropractic expert focusing on problems in the craniocervical junction, which is the sensitive joint structure between the brain and the body.
In this 53-minute documentary, over 30 upper cervical specialists share their expertise on the reasons why the body gets sick…and how it heals. Take a deep dive into the science behind the brain’s ability to heal conditions such as seizures, migraines, dizziness, brain fog, back pain and more through advances in upper cervical chiropractic care.